Subject: armwrestling practice on armwrestling table Fri 11 Mar - 9:05
every one know that practicing on table is always superior to any exercise.what confuses me is how much u should practice. evryday? 3 times a week? 2 times? or just once a week?everyone hav different opinions once a guy named narender(3 times national overall champion) almost convinced me to practice only once a week but when i goes to club where he trains i found him practicing on bench both morning and evening all 7 days lolz.
what i found by my experience is practicing 3-4 times in a week is good t but change the manner of practice evertime. there are several ways of practicing for example with ur hand suppinated ,pronated,grabbing opponent wrist with ur hand instead of his hand dat will put extra strain in ur grip strength and fingers and wrist vs wrist practice for side-pressure and hook strength and practicing against two hands for that i normally put some novice or low strength against me so that i found difficult but i can pull him also. and also wrist lock practice against two hands and without refree practice means u hav to grip by yourself no refree .opponent try to control ur hand and u try to control his who succeeded will win match automatically coz if u hav the grip u want no one can beat u.
against two hands when practicing i divide move into 3-4 steps.first thing is grip i tell my partner to use two hands and ask him not let me grip easily then i try to pull my hand closer to my shoulder i dont put my shoulder closer to my hand but try to pull my hand backward to come closer to shoulder while my partner using two hands to not to let me do dat easily and when i succeeded i try to lock arm there and ask my partner to open up the gab and i tell him not to pin me down but only open my gap and i try my best to not letting him do dat and when i succeeded in maintaining my position for 20-25 secs then i try to pin him down with different styles like toproll,hook and press with body-weight dragging etc.
but i also want to say that physical strength also matters.what i mean by physical strength is no matters how much technical u became,from how much time u are in game u cant pull the hand of a man who lifts 200 pound more than u. its like a 5 year child cant pull a 20 years old hand no matter how much he practice or how much techinal he is. So strength also matters what i believe is body parts exercises are also needed with bench practice.
for wrist lock
wrist vs wrist for sidepressure
against two hands
without refree practice(trying to control opponent hand)below
dat video is 2 years ago now rahul is state champion in 50 kg class in junior 15 years old now in dat video only 13 years old .in india our state haryana is a very big state equal to land and population to england with more than 100 cities and hundreds of towns.unfortunately armwrestling is not supported by government here but its is supported by government in many states in india