Hi Guys,
Unfortunately due to essential maintenance work caused by the current winter weather it has become necessary for us to change the date of the BAF New Year Cup 2011.
The event was scheduled for Saturday the 29th of January 2011 at The Crofters Hotel and it will now be moved back by three weeks to Saturday the 19th of February.
I apologize for these changes which are unfortunately outside of my sphere of control however this should give everyone a couple more weeks to get in good shape and shed some of the Xmas weight ahead of the Curtain Raiser for the BAF Domestic Armwrestling Season of 2011.
The other event details remain unchanged and will be consistent with those outlined for the original date.
Sorry in advance for any issues which this date change has created and I trust that the 5 weeks notice will allow everyone who had originally intended to attend the event to make any necessary adjustments to their personal calendars.
I would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone for their support of our Fantastic sport in 2011 and also on behalf of Ally, Dempsey and myself, to wish you and your Familes a very Merry Xmas and a Healthy and Happy New Year !