Hi Nick,
My training at the moment consists of mainly the following compound movements:
Flat Bench Press
Bent Over Row
Overhead Barbell Press
Pull Ups
5 sets of 5 reps of each and I usually do 3 of those exercises per work out - I try and do 3/4 sessions per week. I also do a yoga session occasionally.
I fit in some core work at the end of each session along with some isolation work for my shoulders and some armwrestling specific training such as statics, band training, power ball, orbi grip etc whenever I feel like it.
I started doing armwrestling training once/twice a week a couple of months ago but this is too much for me so I've just cut this down to once every two weeks.. I think this will be enough.
This is by no means a recommended armwrestling training regime but I'm enjoying the strength gains and also the balance this training is giving me.