Steven & Andy are two of our best Armwrestlers not just right now..............last year or next month..........EVER !!!
Both have been medallists at numerous EAF & WAF World Championships, Bronze in Steve's case 2 x Silver in Andy's case.
As recently as last month Andy BOSSED some of the best Eastern European Athletes and simply outclassed them technically creating issues for even the elite level SUPER MODIFIED athletes for which Nemiroff Cup is so famous. He walked around backstage with the visible respect of every athlete in the class after only his second win of the day as it was suddenly apparent that "Wise Grip" was back on the circuit.
Along with the EXCEPTIONAL Mr. Sanders, Andy has been a Flag Ship British Light Middleweight since the mid 90's, he has been there, seen it, done it won it, designed and sold the f*ckin T Shirt.
He is a Hot Tempered, Nasty, Aggressive, no Ass havin petulent B*stard at the best of times too...........which doesn't make him any easier to deal with and sometimes works against him BUT thats the man, END OF.
Steve in my experience is a very honest lad, confident for sure (which I actually like about him & respect, incidentally) but ultimately honest & with a tendancy to back up his boasts.
He is however right on the money about this match and Andy as an opponent.
Andy would be entirely too much ANYWHERE for Steve, as he has a very VERY STRONG HOOK game to compliment one of the best Top Roll's in the World at his or any other weight.
I honestly think that Steve had simply read way too much into the performance of Andy Barker after he was VERY tired at ARM WARS "IRON CURTAIN" following a dominating win over a FRESH AS A DAISY "RELENTLESS" FRODE HAUGLAND to win 4 - 2 !
For anyone out there who felt that the Frode that showed up in Manchester at ARM WARS "MIGHTY QUEST" was any different to the one who pulled in Blackburn in Jan at "IRON CURTAIN".................give your heads a Wobble
!!! I know Frode VERY WELL and have been extremely aware of exactly how strong he is for the last 2 years (thats why I invited him over to pull), I also pulled him personally after both events and on numerous occasions previously. He hasn't really changed at all and his level was consistent at both events. The only difference was that in round one of the "IRON CURTAIN" he ran into a back to form "Wiseman" who whilst still improving and getting progressively BIGGER & STRONGER is of "FreaKShop" origin, can Armwrestle as well as he breathes and is NO F*CKING JOKE !!!
I know that for a me.............I trained him from a Pup and pull with him week in and week out.
Steve, is one of the few lads that would have come on here and posted what he has and everyones hats should be off to the lad for that alone if they are not already, as its a classy and very honest post.
Andy is just too big and stylistically a bad match for most men, he is very difficult to deal with and if he continues to progress as he seems to be at the moment Andy will be a HUGE hurdle for anyone at any weight who is tasked with beating his Lanky Asslessness.
Bad Bet Diesel
put that wallet away mate
& keep saving for the Worlds next year.
Steve, has nothing at all to prove and I for one am looking forward to seeing him fit and pulling at his best again in 2010 along with Andy, the British Team is FAR STRONGER for having these two men in it for sure.