It's great your thinking of ways to try and improve the sport Alax so
don't give up.
The reality however is that arm wrestling in britain doesn't have any
financial support from the nations sports federation nor does it generate
any monetary gain for itself or it's competitors.
Alas, without money to support such an undertaking it just simply won't happen.
All the competitions that take place are organised by individuals who
usually end up footing the bill with a hope of at least breaking even.
On top of that everyone has to work, train, save and do there best to
attend all these competitions.
With all that time spent already it's simply not feasible to assume that
anyone is in the position to plan, organise, monitor, document, record
and relay all the relative information for such and endeavour in what
little free time they have.
Obviously there are many other contributing factors as to why this wouldn't be possible but the most important thing is, all who think
themselves a.w.'s attend the comps.